Monday, February 28, 2011

Thoughts of Spring Blog Partaay!

Hey Party-ers,

This is my first blog party, and I look forward to getting to know you.  After you read, click on the Thoughts of Spring button to the right (cute and green) to join in on the fun!

My name is Kristen, and I have been married to the love of my life for almost eight years now.  We have two children, and I hope many more to come.  We love the Lord, and we enjoy learning and loving His creation.  I just love how creative God is!

What is your comfort food/drink?
     I love ice cream, but because we try to eat very healthy I learned to make it.  When I make it I can make it much healthier and still really yummy.  However when there is a great deal on a brand that isn't as terrible ingredient-wise, I often buy it.

Be brave – tell us something very random and weird about yourself.    
     Okay...Sometimes I picture a moment of my life - while it is going on - from an outsider-looking-in perspective like I am watching it.  Also other times there is music involved - you know, like a musical.  Is that weird enough for ya?

Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
     Yes!  I have ideas for three books, and I am planning on getting started in the writing process with them.  I have never done this before, but I am excited.

Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? What are your favorite genres?
     I love movies that are not on this list the most - Mockumentaries.  These are documentaries that are not acutally true and made to be funny.  One of my favorites is "Waiting for Guffman."  I would love to make a mockumentary one day.

Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
     I most often read non-fiction and devotional type books.  I have SO many books on my list to read, but most of them fall into these catagories.  However I am getting more into American and World History, as well.

Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? What are your favorite types?
     I really, really love music!  I think music is such a cool and mysterious joy of life.  Music takes us places and moves us in ways we wouldn't be without it.  My favorite is music about Jesus, but I love just about any genre.  If it has strong percussion, I like it even more.  I am careful though to only listen to music that builds me up and doesn't go against my values.

If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
     Seriously...I would first make a budget.  That sounds a little dorky, but that is what I would do.  Then I would give away at least 10% of it right away.  Then I would buy a house and finish paying off our debt (almost finished!!).  I'm not sure where I would start after that, but most likely Hawaii for a vacation.

Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
     I just actually posted about this recently.  One weakness that I am working on, with the Lord's help, is laziness.  I sometimes get lazy when it comes to a specific task I have to do or phone call I have to make or in making time to pray.  See "Beating Laziness into Submission."

Well, that is a little about me.  Thanks for stopping by, and  look forward to stopping by and visiting you, as well!


Heather said...

Hello! I'll have to check out mockumentaries! Sounds like something I could get in to. :)

Heather Rae said...

Hello! I also, can step back from life and view it as a third party. Weird, but awesome!

Unknown said...

Yes, Laziness can be a tough one for me too. Cute blog!

Patrice said...

Visiting from the blog party. I want to be a writer too. I've been working on projects for years, but I have to get my courage up and go for the next step. Have a great week!

TIFFANY said...

Stopping by from Lynnette's party. I would love to write a book someday too. So far, though, I haven't had any solid ideas for one. Maybe one day I'll do it! Good luck with yours.

Life Is Crazy Beautiful said...

Hi Kristen...just saying "hi" at the party!! I think I am too LAZY to WRITE A BOOK, ha ha. I laugh at myself because I stew and stew over "profound thoughts" or insights I think the Lord has laid on my heart, but I often put off the writing down and organizing the thoughts/inspirations until "later"...let me know when later gets here :). Nice meeting you! Lisa

Unknown said...

Hi Kristen!
Thanks for linking up so I could come by and say hello!

I totally do what you said about viewing your life like an outsider (or like a movie scene). In fact, I often use that to teach my kids a lesson or help them to see what they did from another perspective, "Imagine you are watching your life in a movie..." HA! Oh, and music always makes me look at moments differently. Having a film composer as a son, that's easy to do.

I hope you're enjoying the blog party! it's turning out to be a great one! I'm lovin' it!

Thanks for the invite!

Unknown said...

PS That was my sissy above me. Lisa at Life is Crazy Beautiful is my (barely) older sister. :)

ROBIN said...

Hey Kristen! I saw this post in my Google Reader and forgot to comment, then I saw your link in the blog party link-up! I'm enjoying your blog. I like the "outsider" view thing... that's pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

I think we have similar book and music tastes and reasons for liking them...though I'm not quite with you yet on the out of body type experience. I did have very strange vivid dreams the other night though.

TW said...

Hello from a fellow blog party guest! I too sometimes like to stop and think about my life/family from an "outsiders" perspective. Or even to look back on the past from where I am now. It can make life ever so much more intersting. :)

Kristen @ Dem Golden Apples said...

Nice to meet all of you! And nice to see those of you I already know, as well. :) Thanks for stopping by.